Sunday, March 17, 2019

What actually happened in Munich in 1938?

This is a great novel. Its 1938 and everyone in Europe is scared that another war is coming. How to stop it?

It looks like no one in Europe wants or are ready for war except Nazis. WWI was such a shock to people in West Europe that they are willing to go to great length to "appease' Nazis as much as they can rather than to take a risk for another WW. 

But was it really an appeasement what transpired in Munich in 1938? Harris tries to show in vivid details that it is not what actually happened. It is true that Munich did not solve the problem of Nazi expansion in Europe but it gave 1 extra year that was essential to prepare the countries to fight Nazi in WWII. It is possible that 1 year saved humankind and led to defeat of Nazi Germany in WWII.

posted by David       

what would happen if AI program takes over?

As usual Harris is great in creating feeling of suspense without saying or showing much. 

In this book Harris imagines what would happen if investment fund is run by AI. This fully autonomous AI is a brainchild of asocial physicist/computer programmer with some mental issues (even Harris could not escape from this cliche). This AI does high speed trading and makes lots of money.

But after upgrade to newer version, strange and scary things start to happen to programmer.

It is a fine fiction though little bit confusing. It is not clear if things are done by AI or programmer's deranged alter ego. Its scary.

posted by David